Penn Institute for Urban Research

Turning the desert into an oasis

Students from the Weitzman School of Design journeyed to Senegal to help with a massive ecological and infrastructural greening effort as part of their coursework. The Dakar Greenbelt aims to combat desertification and promote sustainable urban growth.

Nathi Magubane

Recession or soft landing?

Susan Wachter and William Glasgall of the Penn Institute for Urban Research discuss key takeaways from their webinar on interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve.

Nathi Magubane

Rethinking resilience in the face of climate change

Hurricane Ida brought record-breaking rainfall and flooding, and stronger, more destructive storms will inevitably come. Being better prepared will require reconsidering how to protect people and their homes.

Michele W. Berger

In the News


Gen Z, millennials want to invest—but many aren’t, CNBC/Generation Lab survey finds. Here are the issues

Susan M. Wachter of the Wharton School says that the number of young adults still living with their parents is at historic levels due to unaffordable housing costs.


Philadelphia Inquirer

How will Philadelphia finance climate change?

In an Op-Ed, Eugenie Birch of the Weitzman School of Design, William Burke-White of Penn Carey Law, and Mauricio Rodas of the Penn Institute for Urban Research write that Philadelphia will need to blend public and private climate financing to adapt to ever-growing climate risks.


Philadelphia Inquirer

From the U.N. climate conference, advice for Philly as it adapts to global warming

A delegation of Penn students, researchers, and faculty who attended the COP27 climate conference offer their ideas for how Philadelphia officials can work to make the goals of the Paris Agreement a reality.