“Going the Distance for our Community,” the theme for this year’s Penn’s Way charitable giving campaign, spotlights the University’s commitment to support those in need. On Sept. 28, President Liz Magill rallied the attendees to kick off this year’s Penn’s Way campaign at a luncheon in Houston Hall.
“This is my first Penn’s Way campaign,” she said as she addressed the room. “I know for many of you this is a passion and a mission that you have carried forward year after year at Penn. And every year, you show up, you encourage others to participate and make an incredible difference. By spearheading these efforts, you inspire others to give and participate. That makes a huge difference in the Penn community, and the wider surrounding community in which we live.”
Penn’s Way co-chairs Maureen Rush, senior adviser to the senior executive vice president, and Pat Sullivan, the University of Pennsylvania Health System’s chief quality officer, serve along with Penn’s Way faculty advisers: Tulia Falleti, the Class of 1965 Endowed Term Professor of Political Science in the School of Arts & Sciences; and Peter Quinn, the Schoenleber Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Penn Dental Medicine.
“We are thrilled to welcome President Liz Magill to her first Penn’s Way Workplace Giving Campaign kickoff luncheon to thank all of our amazing volunteer coordinators for the work they are about to embark on,” said Rush. “This year Pat and I are happy to be working together again as the 2022-23 Penn’s Way Campaign co-chairs. We are thankful to have such an amazing Penn’s Way Steering Team to launch this year’s campaign.”
The Penn’s Way Campaign runs through Nov. 18. To join and support communities by making tax-deductible donations, participants can go to the Penn’s Way website to enter a pledge online. Donors can give through payroll deduction, check, or credit card. Payroll deductions begin with the 2023 calendar year payroll. Penn’s Way will no longer accept cash donations.
“Despite COVID, we maintained and evolved this campaign,” said Senior Executive Vice President Craig Carnaroli. “It is a credit to the Penn community that we didn’t allow a pandemic to get in the way of how we can support the community.”
This year’s partners include Penn Medicine and the Philadelphia Alliance For Change. While no longer a partner in Penn’s Way, the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey’s Impact Fund remains an option for donors.
“The Penn Medicine creative services team created a fantastic video that illustrates the commitment of our Penn and Penn Medicine faculty and staff to give back to our Philadelphia and regional communities,” said Sullivan.
Participants may choose to donate as little or as much as they’d like, to as many agencies they choose. Through donations, the Penn’s Way campaign hopes to help build stronger neighborhoods, improve the quality of life, and provide options for healthier living for all people in our region.
“We hope that every member of our community will participate in giving at whatever level they are comfortable,” said Rush.
The Penn Vet Working Dog Center was on hand at the luncheon for a demonstration. The Center is one of the recipients of the campaign. Last year’s campaign during the pandemic raised $1.6 million. No financial goal has been set for this year, but campaign organizers feel confident that the Penn community will rally again.