
Celebrating democracy on Election Day at Penn
For many Penn students, Election Day 2024 is about more than two presidential candidates going at it hammer and tongs; it’s also a vital celebration of democracy.
A series on wellness and well-being
A roundup of the six-part series from Penn Today that focuses on University resources available to students, faculty, staff, and postdocs for their mental, physical, technical, and financial health.
Finding a new behavioral adaptation in fruit flies
Penn researchers discovered “wing spreading” in Drosophila santomea, research that hints at a rare, novel finding and offers insights into an underrepresented area in sexual reproduction research: female-initiated behaviors.
Wellness and well-being series looks at reproductive and family health
The six-part series from Penn Today focuses on University resources for students, faculty, and staff.
Keeping the Penn community safe and sound
The Division of Public Safety helps keep the University community safe through programs like the 24/7 Walking Escort Service, the UPennAlert Emergency Notification System, Penn Guardian, and the HELP Line.
Edible Books at the Kelly Writers House
The annual Edible Books contest at the Kelly Writers House features food creations inspired by books, often involving puns based on the titles. In this 14th year, 30-some entries were admired and (mostly) eaten.
Penn’s Silfen Forum addresses ‘waging peace’
At the 2024 Silfen Forum, former Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Salam Fayyad and former Israeli Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich spoke about dialogue and diplomacy in the Middle East.
Libraries exhibition explores the movement of books
A new exhibit at the Penn Libraries explores the myriad ways books move—as physical objects in different formats, and across space and time—featuring 24 items from the collection, a video wall displaying 26 additional items, and interactive models.
Event looks at neck-and-neck presidential election
At a roundtable sponsored by the SNF Paideia Program, political journalists from diverse outlets discussed the states of the presidential campaigns.
Acoustic signals for better wireless technologies
Researchers push the limits of sound wave control, unlocking the potential for faster, clearer wireless communication and quantum information processing technologies.