Senator Sheldon Whitehouse joined Penn faculty to discuss distrust in science, the fossil fuel industry, and the conservative Supreme Court.
Alumni heard Lance Freeman examine racial equity in city planning, Dolores Albarracín talk about how conspiracy theories take hold, and Kevin Johnson discuss the importance of clear science communication.
Sam Wolken, a joint doctoral student in communication and political science, studies public opinion, local news, and politics.
The Center for the Study of Contemporary China, in co-sponsorship with Perry World House, held a forum to discuss the protests and what they mean for China and its citizens going forward.
Students in Sarah Banet-Weiser’s Annenberg course on Gender and the Media make zines responding to messaging and consumer products.
Elizabeth Sanseau of CHOP and Annenberg’s Kyle Cassidy discuss Annenberg Hotkeys, a medical simulator developed during the pandemic to remotely prepare health care providers for emergency situations.
In the annual Annenberg Lecture, the Nobel Peace Prize winner discussed being the target of online attacks and what it will take to ensure that truth prevails.
Penn experts assess the state of the monkeypox outbreak, messaging surrounding the ongoing vaccine rollout, and how the public can be better informed for the future.
The majority of Americans believe that U.S. democracy, and the country itself, is in crisis and at risk of failing, according to a poll from NPR/Ipsos.
Annenberg professor Aswin Punathambekar’s new paper examines life online for three social media influencers, including Nadiya Hussain from “The Great British Bake Off.”
Amy Gutmann of the Annenberg School for Communication discusses her work as U.S. ambassador to Germany and the need to stand with Europe in defending Ukraine.
In a Q&A, PIK Professor Duncan Watts says that U.S. voters ignored Democratic policy in favor of Republican storytelling.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center says that Donald Trump’s support among fans of mixed martial arts is evidence of how he’s tapped into segments of the electorate ordinarily neglected by politicians.
A survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center finds that public awareness of the 988 national suicide prevention hotline is growing but still low, with remarks from Kathleen Hall Jamieson.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center says that Republican lawmakers engaged in a sustained attack on a sector of science during and after the pandemic.