Penn Carey Law

Hope and help for wrongfully incarcerated Pennsylvanians

With Project HOPE, President’s Engagement Prize winners Carson Eckhard, Natalia Rommen, and Sarah Simon will address the lack of support to wrongfully incarcerated people in Philadelphia and across the state.

Kristen de Groot

Narratives of COVID-19 in China and the world

The two-day symposium brought together scholars to discuss a broad range of topics, from racism against Chinese students studying in the United States to digital workplace surveillance of Chinese workers.

Kristen de Groot

‘Alone Again in Fukushima’

On the 10th anniversary of the triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear facility destruction, a film and discussion hosted by the Center for East Asian Studies looked at the calamity’s reverberations.

Kristen de Groot

Global women’s rights 

Rangita de Silva de Alwis makes the case for ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by the United States.

Kristina García

A conversation with Stacey Abrams

The Georgia politician sat down with Ben Jealous, visiting scholar and former NAACP leader, to discuss topics from gerrymandering to romance novels in a virtual discussion.

Kristen de Groot

In the News

Philadelphia Inquirer

Millions of adults have some college but no degree. This Philly-area group wants to change that

Wendell Pritchett of Penn Carey Law is the board chair of College Unbound, a college with Philadelphia ties that gives adult learners from underserved communities affordable paths to graduation.


The New York Times

Inflation is stalking Trump

Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that modern corporations must often navigate being in the crosshairs of policymakers.


Elon Musk’s Silicon Valley fail-fast ethos is clashing with Washington

Cary Coglianese of Penn Carey Law says that there’s no process or backstop if government fails due to mass firings.



Corporate America’s real worries about Trump are buried in annual reports

Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that the scope and speed of recent regulatory policy changes are especially challenging for companies right now.



Musk’s war on Delaware spurs bill to hang on to businesses

Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that recent Delaware legislation on business statutes was imprecise and excessive, driven by fears of further corporate defections from the state.