Penn Carey Law
Academic freedom in an age of global digital delivery
During a virtual forum, Penn experts across disciplines discussed specific implications online learning can present for international students and their freedom of expression.
‘Workplace Diversity, Culture, and Leadership’
In the second of 13 conversations in the preceptorial course Racism and Anti-Racism in Contemporary America, a discussion on “The Economic System: Workplace Diversity, Culture, and Leadership.”
Law students spearhead pro bono projects for pandemic relief
From connecting small businesses with loans to helping Philadelphians navigate unemployment and housing insecurity, students at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School are working to get people the help they need.
Law expert Kermit Roosevelt on the Electoral College and why America uses it
As Americans await final vote tallies, who declares victory comes down to how many electoral votes each candidate receives. Roosevelt explains the Electoral College, and discusses Trump’s claim that he might take the election to the Supreme Court before all votes are counted.
Law students at the forefront of election protection efforts in Pennsylvania
As a long and contentious campaign season enters its final days, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School students are volunteering their time and skills to ensure the integrity of the 2020 presidential election.
Four things to know about violence erupting in Nigeria
Osagie Imasogie of the Law School, who earned his early legal education in Nigeria, shares his take on the escalating unrest in the country.
A post-pandemic path to solving the nursing home crisis
A collaboration of experts across Penn schools has created a detailed, long-term policy plan for nursing homes, published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Indigenous views of Christopher Columbus
Members of Penn’s Indigenous community discuss their views of Christopher Columbus and how Indigenous people have suffered from Columbus-style colonialism.
Internship gives law students exposure to criminal justice empirical research
The Quattrone Center’s inaugural summer internship program allowed students respond to calls for community reform, accountability, and justice.
Research shows substantial drop in crime during COVID-19 pandemic
Professor of law, business, and public policy David S. Abrams’ report, “COVID-19: An Early Empirical Look,” analyzes data from over 25 large cities in the U.S.
In the News
Millions of adults have some college but no degree. This Philly-area group wants to change that
Wendell Pritchett of Penn Carey Law is the board chair of College Unbound, a college with Philadelphia ties that gives adult learners from underserved communities affordable paths to graduation.
Inflation is stalking Trump
Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that modern corporations must often navigate being in the crosshairs of policymakers.
Elon Musk’s Silicon Valley fail-fast ethos is clashing with Washington
Cary Coglianese of Penn Carey Law says that there’s no process or backstop if government fails due to mass firings.
Corporate America’s real worries about Trump are buried in annual reports
Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that the scope and speed of recent regulatory policy changes are especially challenging for companies right now.
Musk’s war on Delaware spurs bill to hang on to businesses
Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that recent Delaware legislation on business statutes was imprecise and excessive, driven by fears of further corporate defections from the state.