Office of the Vice Provost for Research

New office supports the Penn postdoc experience

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs was established this past spring as a boost to the general postdoc community, providing centralized resources, information, and events.

Lauren Hertzler

The path from innovation to implementation

Penn’s infrastructure in both supporting clinical research and forging commercial partnerships smooths the way from idea to approval.

Karen L. Brooks for Penn Medicine Magazine

Cross-disciplinary collaboration for a healthier planet

The Environmental Innovations Initiative announces a third round of funded research communities to catalyze interdisciplinary research at Penn, investigating issues from regenerative agriculture to project-based learning for global climate justice.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Demystifying grad school to enhance diversity in STEM

Earlier this month, 48 undergraduate students from around the country traveled to Penn for a three-day gathering full of workshops, lectures, networking opportunities, lab tours, Q & A sessions, and a resource fair.

Katherine Unger Baillie

A multidisciplinary approach to considering the Earth’s changing systems

Bringing expertise from each of their disciplines, the School of Arts & Sciences’ Kathleen Morrison and Joseph Francisco and the Environmental Innovations Initiative’s Melissa Brown Goodall infused chemistry, anthropology, policy, and more into an introductory course on climate and the environment.

Katherine Unger Baillie