In a Q&A, School of Social Policy & Practice researcher Susan B. Sorenson describes new challenges surrounding intimate partner violence and the uptick in gun purchases since this crisis began.
Six lessons for public health in the U.S. during the fight against COVID-19.
With a critical need for equipment that can help protect frontline healthcare workers, the Penn community has come together to help fabricate 20,000 face shields by mid- to late-April.
Amy Castro Baker of the School of Social Policy & Practice advocates for a multiprong approach to public assistance during the global pandemic
The School of Arts and Sciences professor has received a fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in the humanities category for her translations of ancient Greek and Roman literature and philosophy.
For National Poetry Month, the Academy of American Poets has shared a list of 30 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month at Home or Online to encourage a collective recognition of the ways in which poetry enhances the world.
COVID-19 is disrupting all sectors of the global economy, and the energy sector is far from immune. Energy storage has implications for both the government stimulus efforts and the shape of our future economic recovery.
The professor of philosophy says the ways in which individuals are affected by the pandemic are a result of a complex tapestry of economic, social, and cultural factors.
A blog post about a child’s hunting jacket made of caribou hide caught the attention of a high school students in the Naskapi Nation in Quebec. A group visited the Penn Museum to view artifacts made by their ancestors.
Striving to keep her students engaged, Megan Ryerson of the Stuart Weitzman School of Design invites them to virtually join in her family’s activities, including dinner discussions and movie nights with transportation-themed films.
A survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center finds that more Americans believe in the effectiveness of vaccines developed to protect newborns and seniors against RSV.
Amy Gutmann of the School of Arts & Sciences says that Germany is front and center in the economic problems currently afflicting Europe.
An October survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that the public’s trust in the U.S. Supreme Court has dropped to a record low.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center says that Donald Trump is far more hyperbolic on average than traditional presidential candidates, who still routinely claim that they will do something alone that can’t be done without Congress.
PIK Professor Desmond Upton Patton says that many schools don’t have a playbook for addressing student violence or helping pupils engage more positively online, in part because few researchers are studying the issue.