Class of 2019 Ivy Day Ceremony and awardees

Anea Moore, Calvary Rogers, Savi Joshi, Ryan Leone, Julia Pan, Michael B. Krone, Candida Alfaro, and Aren Raisinghani stand outside in front of College Hall holding awards.
From left to right: Anea Moore, Calvary Rogers, Savi Joshi, Ryan Leone, Julia Pan, Michael B. Krone, Candida Alfaro, and Aren Raisinghani, recipients of the 2019 Senior Honor Awards.

On Saturday, May 18, the Class of 2019 celebrated its Ivy Day Ceremony during Alumni Weekend, continuing the 146-year tradition since the first Ivy Day stone was set, by honoring a select group of  students for their achievements and contributions to the Penn community.

Penn President Amy Gutmann joined host and Class of 2019 President Aren Raisinghani, alongside Vice Provost Valerie Swain-Cade McCoullum to present the various plaques, bowls, certificates, and even a hat and spade, to the awardees for a combination of community involvement and academic and athletic achievement.

Anea Moore faces Amy Gutmann in conversation while standing
Anea Moore, the 2019 Althea K. Hottel Shield Award recipient, and Penn President Amy Gutmann at the 2019 Ivy Day Ceremony on May 18. 

Following tradition, the Class of 2019 Ivy Stone was also unveiled, designed this year by graduating senior Camille Rapay. It will join the 145 other stones embedded throughout campus in a visual thread of history on the walls and walkways.

The 2019 Ivy Day awardees and presenters are:

Contribution and Athlete Awards:

Sol Feinstone Undergraduate Awards:

Presenter: President Amy Gutmann
Jacob A. Kind 
Elana M. Burack 
Candida Alfaro and Lyndsi N. Burcham 

Association of Alumnae Fathers’ Trophy:
Presenter: President Amy Gutmann
Recipient: Reeham K Salah 

Class of 1915 Award:
Presenter: President Amy Gutmann
Recipient: Mark W. Andrew

Katherine Sizov, Princess Aghayere, Brendan Taliaferro, Oladunni Alomaja, Malika Shukurova, Summer Kollie, Antonio Renteria, José Á. Maciel, and Michael Wong
From left, President’s Engagement and President’s Innovation Prize of 2019 recipients: Katherine Sizov, Princess Aghayere, Brendan Taliaferro, Oladunni Alomaja, Malika Shukurova, Summer Kollie, Antonio Renteria, José Á. Maciel, and Michael Wong.

Academic Achievement and President’s Prizes

Penn Student Agencies Award:
Presenter: President Amy Gutmann
Recipient: Callie I. Holtermann 

James Howard Weiss Memorial Award: 
Presenter: President Amy Gutmann
Recipient: Stephen G. Damianos

President’s Engagement Prizes:
Presenter: President Amy Gutmann
Princess Aghayere, Summer Kollie, and Oladunni Alomaja 
José Á. Maciel and Antonio E. Renteria
Brendan Taliaferro

President’s Innovation Prizes:
Presenter: President Amy Gutmann
Malika Shukurova  and Katherine
Michael Wong 

Jonathan Soslow, Nicholas Hunsicker, David Gordon, Lamis Elsawah
From left to right, recipients of the 2019 Student Award of Merit: Jonathan Soslow, Nicholas Hunsicker, David Gordon, and Lamis Elsawah.

Student Awards of Merit:
Presenter: Penn Alumni President, Ann Nolan Reese
Lamis Elsawah
David Gordon
Nicholas C. Hunsicker
Breanne K. Mastromarino
Jonathan L. Soslow

Senior Honor Awards:

R Jean Brownlee Skimmer Hat Award:
Presenter: Kirsten Bartok 
Recipient: Candida Alfaro 

Spade Award:
Presenter: Matthew Canner 
Recipient: Aren M. Raisinghani

David R Goddard Loving Cup Award: 
Presenter: Jun Bang
Recipient: Julia L. Pan

Cane Award:
Presenter:  Bill Roberts 
Recipient: Michael B. Krone 

Gaylord P Harnwell Flag Award:
Presenter: In Memory of Lisa Deutsch
Recipient:  Savi Joshi 

Bowl Award:
Presenter:  Sandor Hau 
Recipient:  Ryan Leone

Althea K Hottel Shield Award:
Presenter:  Jai-Jai Ramsey Greenfield 
Recipient: Anea B. Moore

Spoon Award:
Presenter: Kaplan Mobray 
Recipient: Calvary M. Rogers 

Camille Rapay stands nexts to the Ivy Day 2019 Stone as it is unveiled by a person pulling off a fabric cover.
The unveiling of the Ivy Stone for the Class of 2019, designed by Camille Rapay, at left.