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Undergraduate Students

Bringing together passions for nursing, community, and policy
Charlotte Brown in front of historic nursing photo display.


Bringing together passions for nursing, community, and policy

Charlotte Brown recalls a childhood climbing up and falling out of trees, picking blueberries in the mountains and currants in the woods, and paddling down her backyard creek on snow sleds with her three younger brothers—“lots of just being outside, being happy, being rained on,” she says.

5 min. read

Penn’s endowment, explained
students walking in front of quad gate


Penn’s endowment, explained

From financial aid to faculty salaries, Penn’s endowment provides perpetual support for generations of Penn students, staff, and faculty. Here’s how it all works.

Penn Today Staff

3 min. read

Recording oral histories in rural Uganda
A person being interviewed by Penn students in a Ugandan village.

Image: Courtesy of Penn Global

Recording oral histories in rural Uganda

As part of the Penn Global Seminar, Global Jewish Communities, 15 students traveled to rural Uganda in January to film oral histories that will become part of the Shoah Foundation archive.
Expanding on a legacy of heart health education
Taylor Brothers, Aravind Krishnan, and Rashmi Acharya at Project HERO workshop.

At a recent Project HERO workshop at one of SHOP’s partner sites, Aravind Krishan, center, gave a brief presentation on heart health and Taylor Brothers, left, gave a CPR demo.


Expanding on a legacy of heart health education

Fourth-year Aravind Krishnan, the inaugural Sarah Katz Award recipient, is working to help shelter residents in Philadelphia better monitor their health.
Building tomorrow’s innovators: Penn’s Widjaja Entrepreneurship Fellows Program
A group of students at Penn in class at a table.

David Bakalov, center, hopes to leverage his Fellows experience to develop new medical treatments.


Building tomorrow’s innovators: Penn’s Widjaja Entrepreneurship Fellows Program

The Sugi and Millie Widjaja Engineering Entrepreneurship Fellows Program matches 12 Penn students with mentors to learn what it takes to transform ideas into potential companies.

Ian Scheffler