A new study from the School of Nursing’s Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research describes the quality of end of life care in nearly 500 U.S. hospitals, utilizing nearly 13,000 bedside nurses as informants of quality. The study, published online, will be in a future issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
The majority of nurses (58 percent) rate their hospital’s end of life care unfavorably. The most common quality problem nurses cite (53 percent of nurses) is that patients often experience painful procedures that are not likely to change their clinical outcome. This finding is consistent with growing trends toward aggressive medical intervention in the final days of life, which is widely recognized as inappropriate for terminally ill individuals.
More than one-third (37.7 percent) of nurses report being discouraged from discussing alternative care options with patients and their families. A similar percentage of nurses say they often disagree with their physician colleagues about end of life care decisions—and feel decisions are not made as a team.
“Even the best hospitals have significant room for improvement when it comes to providing better care for patients at the end of life,” says lead-author Karen Lasater, an assistant professor of nursing. “Hospitals are failing to capitalize on an already available cadre of skilled end of life care providers available for every patient in every hospital—registered nurses at the bedside.”
Read more at Penn Nursing News.