Erica K. Brockmeier
A novel method for monitoring the ‘engine’ of pregnancy
By combining optical measurements with ultrasound, researchers were able to study oxygen levels in the placenta, paving the way for a better understanding of this complex, crucial organ.
Erica K. Brockmeier , Katherine Unger Baillie ・
Engineering a solution for microplastic pollution
May graduates Sarah Beth Gleeson, Shoshana Weintraub, and Julia Yan will use their President’s Sustainability Prize to create a device for trapping microfibers in laundry machines to reduce ocean microplastic pollution.
Erica K. Brockmeier , Amanda Mott ・
Engaging in intersectional conversations on race and racism
In the spring, students engaged with complex topics, both intellectually and civically, as part of American Race: A Philadelphia Story, a Stavros Niarchos Foundation Paideia Program course.
Erica K. Brockmeier ・
A passion for addressing ‘meaningful causes’ with data
Senior Angelina Heyler, a systems science and engineering major who is submatriculating in Penn’s data science accelerated master’s program, spent her time at Penn fostering a passion for applied problem solving, building community, and playing Ultimate Frisbee.
Erica K. Brockmeier ・
Embracing academic, athletic, and creative pursuits
Along with being a physics major, a member of the gymnastics team, and a leader of Penn Dischord, senior Edie Noor Graber has also spent the last four years engaging with the West Philadelphia community and exploring her Jewish identity.
Erica K. Brockmeier ・
Climate resilience, economic competitiveness, and equity at the megaregional level
In “Megaregions and America’s Future,” Emeritus Professor of Practice Robert Yaro and Dean Frederick Steiner discuss how megaregions in the U.S. can address complex challenges.
Erica K. Brockmeier ・
The next generation of leaders in urban planning
The Moelis Scholars Program supports students from diverse backgrounds in the Stuart Weitzman School of Design’s Master of City Planning program.
Erica K. Brockmeier ・
Researchers find topological phenomena at high technologically relevant frequencies
A collaborative new study led by researchers in the School of Arts & Sciences demonstrates topological control capabilities in an acoustic system, with implications for applications such as 5G communications and quantum information processing.
Erica K. Brockmeier ・
Changing lives in refugee communities through access to clean water
As winners of the 2021 President’s Engagement Prize, May graduates Martin Leet and Leah Voytovich co-founded Maji, a nonprofit organization dedicated to projects that support refugee initiatives in Uganda.
Erica K. Brockmeier ・
Decoding a material’s ‘memory’
A new study details the relationship between particle structure and flow in disordered materials, insights that can be used to understand systems ranging from mudslides to biofilms.
Erica K. Brockmeier ・