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Katherine Unger Baillie

Articles from Katherine Unger Baillie
Running and walking for oral cancer awareness
Three people participate in an organized run and walk, wearing matching t-shirts

Besides being a fun event for the community, funds from the 5K are going to research and awareness-raising activities related to oral cancer.

(Image: Michael Troka)

Running and walking for oral cancer awareness

In a student-led effort, the School of Dental Medicine hosted the Oral Cancer Walk & 5K. The event has been an annual tradition since 2009, offering both a community celebration and a venue for discussing oral cancer prevention and detection.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Caring for the campus landscape with an ecological mindset
flowers in class of 1964 garden


Caring for the campus landscape with an ecological mindset

The Ecological Landscape Stewardship Plan, developed in 2018, offers a framework for the Division of Facilities and Real Estate Services to design, maintain, and celebrate the beauty of the campus landscape with an emphasis on its role as a balanced ecological system.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Celebrating Earth Week at Penn
Purple blooms on the verge of opening, backlit by the sun

While many Earth Week events are intended to inspire or teach, others are available for participants to simply enjoy being in nature.

(Image: Kylie Cooper)

Celebrating Earth Week at Penn

Organized by Penn Sustainability, Earth Week runs April 17-23 and will include dozens of events centered on the themes of environmental justice, climate, and nature-based solutions.

Katherine Unger Baillie

The care they need, where they are
shelter health workers at the front desk

Undergraduates Sophie Gu, Julia Badolato, and Julie Elfishawy help Kiston Farquharson check out of the ICNA Relief SHAMS Clinic following his appointment. The Penn students are members of Shelter Health Outreach Program, a student club which, through a Projects for Progress award, is working with Penn Medicine physicians to provide primary care at SHAMS Clinic and mobile clinic sites around Philadelphia.


The care they need, where they are

A team of undergrads and physicians are partnering with community clinics and other organizations as part of a Projects for Progress-supported program to offer medical care to people experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations.

Katherine Unger Baillie

To protect children online, researchers call for cross-disciplinary collaboration
A child uses a cell phone in a dark room

“Technology often has mixture of benefits and perils,” says Gideon Nave of the Wharton School. He teamed with legal and scientific experts to call for research to fuel evidence-backed laws and policies to protect children in the digital world.

(Image: iStock)

To protect children online, researchers call for cross-disciplinary collaboration

A team of neuroscientists and legal experts, including Gideon Nave of the Wharton School, published a perspective in Science drawing attention to the need to develop science-backed policies that take into account children’s vulnerabilities in the digital world.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Winners of President’s Sustainability Prize are making a difference for people and the planet
community grocer team Eli Moraru won the 2022 President’s Sustainability Prize for his work with Alex Imbot on The Community Grocer (TCG). Moraru and Imbot hope to launch a new business model, revolutionizing food stamp usage by reinventing the corner store and reimagining nutritional assistance.


Winners of President’s Sustainability Prize are making a difference for people and the planet

Springboarded by University recognition and support, the alums behind the three prize-winning projects—Baleena, The Community Grocer, and Shinkei Systems—are realizing, even surpassing, their goals.

Katherine Unger Baillie , Kristina García , Nathi Magubane

Climate scientist Michael Mann makes a home at Penn
Michael Mann on Penn's campus


Climate scientist Michael Mann makes a home at Penn

Known for his “hockey stick” graph that hammered home the dramatic rise of the warming climate, the climate scientist is now making his mark on Penn’s campus, both through his science and his work on communicating the urgent need for action on the climate crisis.

Katherine Unger Baillie

First UN Water Conference in four decades includes a delegation from Penn
Four panelists sit at table listening while one speaks into microphone

Rohit Aggarwala of the NYC Environmental Protection underscored that managing for drought necessitates cross-border cooperation. “If we think of this as a zero-sum game, we’re going to lose,” he said.


First UN Water Conference in four decades includes a delegation from Penn

Events on campus last week kicked off the global proceedings, which will include representatives from the Water Center at Penn, Penn Carey Law School, and the School of Arts & Sciences.

Katherine Unger Baillie

In a warming world, chief heat officers help adapt, prepare, and protect
A low sun shines on a city street

Urban centers are feeling the burden of extreme heat events. Chief heat officers from around the globe will reflect on the challenges they face and the adaptation strategies they are implementing in a discussion at Perry World House.

(Image: iStock/deberarr)

In a warming world, chief heat officers help adapt, prepare, and protect

In advance of Perry World House’s Global Shifts Colloquium on extreme heat in urban areas, Penn Today spoke with chief heat officers about their role in influencing public awareness, preparedness, and policy.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Update of a local tree field guide offers ‘antidote for plant blindness’
A many-trunked tree just blooming in spring sprawls at Morris Arboretum

An icon at Morris Aboretum, a many-trunked katsura tree is among those specimens featured in “Philadelphia Trees.” It was planted in the early 1900s.

(Image: Paul W. Meyer)

Update of a local tree field guide offers ‘antidote for plant blindness’

A new edition of “Philadelphia Trees,” coauthored by former Morris Arboretum director Paul W. Meyer, Catriona Bull Briger, and Edward Sibley Barnard offers tips for identifying tree species and highlights some of the most notable trees in the region, including many on Penn’s campus.

Katherine Unger Baillie

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