Besides being a fun event for the community, funds from the 5K are going to research and awareness-raising activities related to oral cancer.
(Image: Michael Troka)
Besides being a fun event for the community, funds from the 5K are going to research and awareness-raising activities related to oral cancer.
(Image: Michael Troka)
While many Earth Week events are intended to inspire or teach, others are available for participants to simply enjoy being in nature.
(Image: Kylie Cooper)
Undergraduates Sophie Gu, Julia Badolato, and Julie Elfishawy help Kiston Farquharson check out of the ICNA Relief SHAMS Clinic following his appointment. The Penn students are members of Shelter Health Outreach Program, a student club which, through a Projects for Progress award, is working with Penn Medicine physicians to provide primary care at SHAMS Clinic and mobile clinic sites around Philadelphia.
“Technology often has mixture of benefits and perils,” says Gideon Nave of the Wharton School. He teamed with legal and scientific experts to call for research to fuel evidence-backed laws and policies to protect children in the digital world.
(Image: iStock)
Rohit Aggarwala of the NYC Environmental Protection underscored that managing for drought necessitates cross-border cooperation. “If we think of this as a zero-sum game, we’re going to lose,” he said.
Urban centers are feeling the burden of extreme heat events. Chief heat officers from around the globe will reflect on the challenges they face and the adaptation strategies they are implementing in a discussion at Perry World House.
(Image: iStock/deberarr)
An icon at Morris Aboretum, a many-trunked katsura tree is among those specimens featured in “Philadelphia Trees.” It was planted in the early 1900s.
(Image: Paul W. Meyer)