Kristina Garcia covers several subject areas in the School of Arts & Sciences including Africana Studies + Penn Program on Race, Science, & Society, Romance Languages + Center for Italian Studies, South Asia Studies, the Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI), South Asia Center, Religious Studies, Latin American Latino Studies, the Program in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, the Center for Research in Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Studies. She also supports coverage of the School of Social Policy & Practice, the Netter Center for Community Partnerships, Penn First Plus, University Life, and the Student Cultural Centers.
The Sweeten Alumni House carillon is a computerized music system that chimes and plays songs for passersby along Locust Walk.
Through art, poetry, and the written word, fourth-year student Deborah Olatunji embraces vulnerability.
With a passion for community engagement, Mya Gordon balances her drive with hobbies, friends, and finding beauty in imperfection.
As part of a student-run, nonpartisan, Netter Center initiative, Ariana Jimenez focuses on youth voter registration, civic engagement, and education in West Philadelphia.
In a Kelly Writers House event, writer Jennifer Egan and social scientist Dennis Culhane discuss journalism and the homelessness crisis.
Using theater-inspired workshops, J. Michael DeAngelis of Career Services helps students prepare for the job market by thinking on their feet.
Wale Adebanwi and Deborah A. Thomas of the School of Arts & Sciences are among 188 fellows chosen in the United States and Canada.
The Association’s Mostafa Afr talks about the importance of shared community after 30 days of disciplined fasting and prayer.
In a celebration of spring, hundreds of students gathered on College Green.
Luke Godsey, a second-year student in the College of Arts and Sciences, has created a quilt for the Penn Women’s Center as part of a new art series.