Penn Carey Law

‘Black Families Matter’

In a lecture organized by the Penn Program on Regulation, PIK Professor Dorothy E. Roberts argued that the U.S. child welfare system is designed to police Black families, not to protect children, and must be abolished and replaced with a new vision of family support and child safety.

Kristen de Groot

Taking a closer look at cryptocurrency

Experts across the University share their thoughts on how cryptocurrency has globally transformed businesses, research, and the environment.

Michele W. Berger, Erica K. Brockmeier, Kristen de Groot, Dee Patel

Penn at COP26: By the numbers

A look at who is representing the University at this global conference, what they’re focused on, and how it fits into the bigger picture of worldwide climate action.

Michele W. Berger

Cary Coglianese on the challenges facing the Paris Agreement

Cary Coglianese of the Law School discusses this year’s COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, where leaders are gathering to decide how best to tackle the climate crisis. He argues that the current strategy of the Paris agreement is inherently flawed.

From Penn Carey Law

In the News

Philadelphia Inquirer

Millions of adults have some college but no degree. This Philly-area group wants to change that

Wendell Pritchett of Penn Carey Law is the board chair of College Unbound, a college with Philadelphia ties that gives adult learners from underserved communities affordable paths to graduation.


The New York Times

Inflation is stalking Trump

Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that modern corporations must often navigate being in the crosshairs of policymakers.


Elon Musk’s Silicon Valley fail-fast ethos is clashing with Washington

Cary Coglianese of Penn Carey Law says that there’s no process or backstop if government fails due to mass firings.



Corporate America’s real worries about Trump are buried in annual reports

Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that the scope and speed of recent regulatory policy changes are especially challenging for companies right now.



Musk’s war on Delaware spurs bill to hang on to businesses

Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that recent Delaware legislation on business statutes was imprecise and excessive, driven by fears of further corporate defections from the state.