
Introducing Wharton dean Erika James

On July 1, James began a new chapter in her career as the first woman and first person of color to be appointed dean of the Wharton School in the institution’s 139-year history. 

From Wharton Stories

James Primosch continues to compose during COVID

The professor of music, who won an award and released two new albums during the pandemic, discusses composition, text as music, and embracing electronic music in the absence of concert halls.

Susan Ahlborn

What the 1968 Kerner Commission can teach us

Criminologist and statistician Richard Berk, who worked on the report as a graduate student, explains the systemic racism and poverty found to underlie violent unrest in the 1960s and where COVID-19 and the economy fit today.

Michele W. Berger

Child abuse is Marci Hamilton’s Goliath

Marci Hamilton, Fels Institute of Government Professor of Practice, has faced down institutional child abuse for decades—and she is just getting started.


In the News

The Wall Street Journal

‘Everyday Utopia’ review: The road to nowhere

“Everyday Utopia” by Kristen Ghodsee of the School of Arts & Sciences is reviewed.


Philadelphia Business Journal

CFO of the Year Awards 2023: Julia Puchtler, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

In her four years as chief financial officer for Penn Medicine’s Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Julia Puchtler has collaborated on several big capital projects, including the expansive Pavilion.



Guggenheim Fellows for 2023 announced; These universities had the most winners

Penn claimed four Guggenheim Fellows, who have demonstrated “exceptional capacity” in their scholarly or artistic careers.


Inside Higher Ed

Why we need better data on faculty diversity

In an Op-Ed, Laura W. Perna of the Graduate School of Education writes that institutions of higher learning need better data on faculty backgrounds, their experiences and working conditions, and inequities in measures of success.


Philadelphia Inquirer

Penn awards largest one-time pay increase to doctoral students, while Temple remains in negotiations

Penn has awarded a nearly-25% increase in its minimum pay for doctoral students, the largest one-time boost in its history, with a statement from Interim Provost Beth A. Winkelstein.


The Wall Street Journal

Wharton professor promoted love in the workplace

Dean Erika H. James and Adam Grant spoke about the legacy of Wharton School colleague Sigal Barsade, who died earlier this month. “She lived the values of the work that she was espousing,” said James.