Graduate Students

Podcast series charts a path for Latin Americans in science

Concerned about the scarcity of Latin Americans in scientific careers, doctoral students Kevin Alicea-Torres and Enrique Lin-Shiao took action to prime the pump. On their Spanish-language podcast, “Caminos en Ciencia,” they chat with Latinx scientists who discuss their career paths and provide advice for young scientists-to-be.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Being well and doing well

Benoit Dubé, the chief wellness officer at Penn, Giang T. Nguyen, executive director of Student Health Service, and Meeta Kumar, deputy executive director of CAPS, discuss Penn’s efforts to strengthen and support the health and wellness of students.

Greg Johnson

Navigating urban waters, with an interdisciplinary approach

With independent research projects and immersive experiences on and near Philadelphia’s waterways, summer fellows with the Penn Program in the Environmental Humanities are collaborating to develop new ways of learning and sharing knowledge.

Katherine Unger Baillie

In the News

WHYY (Philadelphia)

Philadelphians push the city to do more to plant and protect trees

Perelman School of Medicine student Gyan Moorthy says that an exemption to tree planting requirements near certain affordable housing developments in Philadelphia denies the benefits of trees to an already vulnerable population.


The Conversation

What is a migrant? What is ICE? 10 terms to help you understand the debate over immigration

Doctoral student Daniel Jenks of the School of Arts & Sciences defines 10 important terms to help people understand immigration news.



In mouse studies, new hope against a dangerous complication of pregnancy

Doctoral student Kelsey Swingle in the School of Engineering and Applied Science and colleagues are using mRNA molecules to treat pre-eclampsia, a common pregnancy complication.


Fox 29 (Philadelphia)

Penn Med student gets invaluable experience with Eagles thanks to an NFL physicians program

Bryson Houston, a student at the Perelman School of Medicine, worked with the Philadelphia Eagles through a partnership with an NFL physicians program.


New Scientist

Pre-eclampsia could be treated with mRNA technology

Michael Mitchell and Ph.D. student Kelsey Swingle of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and colleagues are using mRNA molecules to treat pre-eclampsia, a common pregnancy complication.



Abortion has always been more than health care

In an opinion essay, Ph.D. student Christen Hammock Jones in the School of Arts & Sciences says that relying solely on expertise and professional judgment primes people to think about abortion rights as a matter of medical judgment instead of equality and autonomy.