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Human Resources

Skilled trade workers are still in short supply
Marketplace (NPR)

Skilled trade workers are still in short supply

Peter Cappelli of the Wharton School explains why it’s difficult to get young people started with blue-collar careers and vocational education.

A series on wellness and well-being
People walking along Locust Walk in the fall.

(On homepage) Additional resources for students, staff, faculty, and postdocs are offered through offices and centers across Penn and the Health System.


A series on wellness and well-being

A roundup of the six-part series from Penn Today that focuses on University resources available to students, faculty, staff, and postdocs for their mental, physical, technical, and financial health.
Wellness and well-being series looks at reproductive and family health
Sign outside an open door reads Lactation Room, opened door reveals a rocking chair, lamp, brightly painted walls and a breast pump.

The Lactation Room at Penn Women’s Center is open and available for any Penn affiliate, with a hospital-grade breast pump and breast pump attachments available to lend.


Wellness and well-being series looks at reproductive and family health

The six-part series from Penn Today focuses on University resources for students, faculty, and staff.
Get ready for nasty layoffs and say goodbye to the four-day workweek
Business Insider

Get ready for nasty layoffs and say goodbye to the four-day workweek

Peter Cappelli of the Wharton School says that bosses can use the latest headlines about the economy as a fresh reason to get tough with workers, even if business is still doing well.

So, human resources is making you miserable?
The New York Times

So, human resources is making you miserable?

Peter Cappelli of the Wharton School says that the personnel department was rebranded as human resources during the 1980-81 recession to view people as assets like machinery.

This HR leader hears, heeds, and helps those who heal others
Kenya Pitt.

Kenya Pitt is the chief human resources officer for Penn Presbyterian Medical Center.

(Image: Courtesy of Penn Medicine News)

This HR leader hears, heeds, and helps those who heal others

Kenya Pitt, chief human resources officer for Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, devotes her time to workforce strategies from compensation to talent acquisition to employee retention for the nearly 4,000 employees at PPMC.

From Penn Medicine News