A new study from the Annenberg School for Communication finds that prompting college students to take a step back when they encounter alcohol can reduce how often they drink.
In his new book, science historian Sebastián Gil-Riaño explores the lives of scientists who shaped one of the first international efforts to combat racism—and then got left out of the story.
Political scientist Marc Meredith and PORES director Stephanie Perry, who both worked on NBC’s Decision Desk on Election Night with more than a dozen Penn undergrads, share their thoughts on what Tuesday’s results could mean for 2024.
New hires like Marcia Chatelain and Vaughn Booker in Africana Studies and William Sturkey in the History Department are bolstering Penn’s position as one of the best places for the field of African American history.
Economist R. Jisung Park and political scientist Alice Xu address climate change in an event hosted by the School of Social Policy & Practice.
Fifth-year Ph.D. candidate Maja Sidzińska is working to fill a gap in philosophy of science scholarship about what individuality means.
A new survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center finds that finds that the number of Americans who think vaccines approved for use in the United States are safe dropped to 71% from 77%.
In the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts’ Arts Lounge, the mixed-media, Afro-futurism work of Mikel Elam is on display through Feb. 18.
The Penn Chinese Calligraphy Club, formed during the pandemic, endures as a meeting ground for amateur calligraphers who value the practice as meditation and art.
A new study from the Communication Neuroscience Lab finds that, even across cultures, neural models can reliably predict whether an article is popular on Facebook.
Amy Gutmann of the School of Arts & Sciences says that Germany is front and center in the economic problems currently afflicting Europe.
An October survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that the public’s trust in the U.S. Supreme Court has dropped to a record low.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center says that Donald Trump is far more hyperbolic on average than traditional presidential candidates, who still routinely claim that they will do something alone that can’t be done without Congress.
PIK Professor Desmond Upton Patton says that many schools don’t have a playbook for addressing student violence or helping pupils engage more positively online, in part because few researchers are studying the issue.
Andrew Lamas of the School of Arts & Sciences says that the logistics of running grocery stores are complicated and that New York City should examine different models like cooperatives.