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Social Sciences

How news coverage distorts America’s leading causes of death
person's hand holding a phone with a news story visible

Image: iStock/oatawa

How news coverage distorts America’s leading causes of death

A new study from the Annenberg School for Communication shows how media coverage of sensational risks underemphasized chronic illnesses.

From Annenberg School for Communication

Corine Labridy leads an exploration of French Caribbean culture and literature
A woman with glasses in a dark sweater sits behind a desk, looking to the left.

Corine Labridy, an assistant professor of French and Francophone studies, uses the literature of the French Caribbean to help students learn larger lessons about identity and culture.

(Image: Corine Labridy)

Corine Labridy leads an exploration of French Caribbean culture and literature

The French and Francophone Studies faculty member took an unconventional route to academia. She places the voices of the islands at the heart of her work.
‘JeepyTA’ has entered the chat
Rachel Liu sitting at a counter with her laptop.

Rachel Liu, a first-year doctoral candidate in the Graduate School of Education.


‘JeepyTA’ has entered the chat

At Penn’s Graduate School of Education, the Penn Center for Learning Analytics is piloting an AI teaching assistant that fields students’ syllabus questions, generates assignment feedback, and eases the stress of instructors’ and TAs’ emailing schedules.
How U.S. expansionism flowed through watersheds
The Mississippi River.

Image: iStock/Wildnerdpix

How U.S. expansionism flowed through watersheds

Karl Nycklemoe, a Consortium Dissertation Fellow at Penn’s McNeil Center for Early American Studies, focuses his research on how U.S. expansionism usurped Indigenous communities’ aquatic governance by remaking the region’s waters into an ‘open’ navigable resource.

From The McNeil Center for Early American Studies

Who, What, Why: Serene Safvi on strengthening dialogue
A woman in a brown jacket and brown shirt stands in a stairwell smiling at the camera.

Serene Safvi, a philosophy, politics, and economics major, says the SNF Paideia Program’s fellowship has helped her understand the importance of dialogue and bridging differences.


Who, What, Why: Serene Safvi on strengthening dialogue

The third-year Paideia Program fellow shares her work educating others about issues and the importance of constructive conversations.
Looking to the past to understand the impacts of human land use in South Asia
R. Ramesh adjusts measuring tape at archaeological site.

R. Ramesh, assisting superintending archaeologist at the Archaeological Survey of India, adjusted a measuring tape at an archaeological site in India before he and Penn's Kathleen Morrison took samples for paleoenvironmental analysis from a Neolithic (3000-1200 BCE) deposit. 

(Image: Courtesy of Kathleen Morrison)

Looking to the past to understand the impacts of human land use in South Asia

An international group of scholars, including archaeologists from the School of Arts & Sciences, synthesized archaeological evidence in South Asia from 12,000 and 6,000 years ago.
Penn prepares to mark America’s 250th birthday
A brick building with white windows is seen against a blue sky. An American flag flies to the left, and a clock sits in the cupola at the center.

Penn is planning two years of events around the Semiquincentennial theme, which marks the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall.

(Image: iStock/Pgiam)

Penn prepares to mark America’s 250th birthday

Next year, the nation will celebrate the Semiquincentennial marking the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In the lead up to celebrations, Penn faculty, staff, and students will have a role to play.
Senior thesis explores Bayard Rustin’s civil rights vision
A man stands in a stairwell leaning on the banister.

Connor Nakamura’s senior thesis traces Bayard Rustin’s life from 1955 to 1965, including his focus on creating economic opportunity.


Senior thesis explores Bayard Rustin’s civil rights vision

Fourth-year Connor Nakamura’s research delves into Rustin’s life, work, and legacy as a thinker and leader.
A rare on-campus assignment for preservation students holds ‘small revelations’
A historic black and white photo of Penn’s Weitzman Hall.

One of the photographs of Weitzman Hall made by historic preservation student Kate Whitney-Schubb and submitted to the Library of Congress for the Historic American Buildings Survey.

(Image: Courtesy of Weitzman News)

A rare on-campus assignment for preservation students holds ‘small revelations’

Weitzman historical preservation students were able to use a campus building slated to be altered for its class focus, which changed the stakes of the project and the approach students took to documenting the historic building.

From the Weitzman School of Design