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News・ Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences
Tracing public opinion on global issues
Tom Etienne, a joint doctoral student at the Annenberg School for Communication and the Department of Political Science, uses his skills in data collection to analyze political opinions.
News・ Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences
The war in Ukraine: One year on
A panel of experts took the stage at Perry World House to consider the prospects for peace and what constitutes a victory in an insightful discussion about the war and what the future holds for both Russia and Ukraine.
News・ Campus & Community
New York Times journalist Brent Staples and Penn’s Tukufu Zuberi in conversation
At the inaugural W.E.B. Du Bois Lecture in Public Social Science, the two discussed Du Bois’ legacy and influence, Staples’ personal and professional journey, and the importance of speaking truth to power.
News・ Health Sciences
Genomic study of Indigenous Africans paints complex picture of human origins and local adaptation
An international team of researchers led by Penn geneticists sequenced the genomes of 180 Indigenous Africans. The results shed light on the origin of modern humans, African population history, and local adaptation.
News・ Campus & Community
Penn expands financial aid for families earning less than $75,000 a year
In addition to covering tuition, fees, housing, and dining, the financial aid packages will provide additional resources including a laptop program, summer internship and research funding, and summer course funding.
News・ Science & Technology
Engineered magic: Wooden seed carriers mimic the behavior of self-burying seed
Researchers from Penn Engineering have developed a seed carrier, fashioned from wood veneer, that could enable aerial seeding of difficult-to-access areas, and could be used for a variety of seeds or fertilizers.
News・ Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences
Weitzman’s celebration of visionary architecture and planning returns to New York
Held at The Shed in New York City, and hosted by Weitzman Dean Fritz Steiner, Penn President Liz Magill joined the celebration with awards and prizes for innovative architecture and planning.
News・ Campus & Community
In Gary Williams, a ‘one-of-a-kind’ chief of police
Vice President of the Division of Public Safety Kathleen Shields Anderson appointed Gary Williams as chief of police in January. He discusses how he got there and how he’s kept—and keeps—the Penn community safe.
News・ Education, Business, & Law
Gittis Legal Clinics bring experiential education with impact
Penn Carey Law’s teaching law firm provide second-and third-year students with real-world experience through pro bono legal services.
News・ Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences
A rare rediscovery revealed
An oil painting by 19th-century French artist Gustave Courbet that was found in the School of Dental Medicine’s storage is now on view at the Arthur Ross Gallery.