Penn’s newest midshipmen honored

On May 15, the University’s NROTC annual Pass in Review ceremony was celebrated aboard the USS New Jersey.

People aboard the USS New Jersey watch a midshipmen receive a medal by one person in uniform and a family member.
With their family in attendance, 15 NROTC 1/C midshipmen were commissioned as ensigns and 2nd lieutenants aboard the USS New Jersey in the annual Pass and Review ceremony on May 15. Above, Ensign Stephanie Reheuser, USN, is honored by her father Colonel Mike Reheuser, USMC (retired), sister, Lauren Reheuser, and her mother, Denise Reheuser (far right).

On May 15, a sunny Saturday with calm seas, 15 1/C midshipmen were commissioned as ensigns and 2nd lieutenants aboard the USS New Jersey. The ceremony, called Pass in Review, is a longstanding military tradition, and historically has been a way for a newly assigned commander to inspect their troops. The modern ceremony, held each spring, marks the midshipmen’s “graduation” in a special ceremony, aside from Commencement, shared with family members and guests, and Vice Provost for University Life Mamta Accapadi.

Eighty-one years after being established at Penn, NROTC is still an active part of University life. In 2021, Penn’s Naval ROTC saw 15 future officers in the Navy and Marine Corps presented with their rank and insignia.

Penn’s history of producing military leaders dates back to the first commandant of the Marine Corps, Samuel Nicholas, a Penn student in the 1750s, and the first secretary of the Navy, Benjamin Stoddert, a 1777 graduate. Historically, more than 1,500 officers have graduated from Penn.

Person in uniform and face mask aboard a ship next to an American flag.
Lieutenant Hunter Abrams, USN.
Seven people in uniform standing on deck aboard the USS New Jersey.
Person in uniform smiles while parents put medals on their uniform aboard the USS New Jersey.
Ensign Riley Wagner (center) with her mother, Leigh Madden, USN (left), and father, Richard Wagner.
Person in uniform hugs their parents aboard the USS New Jersey.
Ensign Nathan Titus, USN (center), hugs his father, William Titus (left) and mother, Inga Titus.
Two people in uniform raising their right hands standing on deck on the USS New Jersey.
Lieutenant Alex Kornick, USN (left) with Ensign Riley Wagner, USN.