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Eric Sucar
Articles from Eric Sucar
From Korean policing to international law enforcement
Jaehyung Ahn stands in a large room.

Jaehyung Ahn will return to his work as a South Korean police officer after graduation, aiming to work with international agencies. 


From Korean policing to international law enforcement

Penn Carey Law student Jaehyung Ahn shares his goals and experiences while earning an LLM degree.

2 min. read

Bringing together passions for nursing, community, and policy
Charlotte Brown in front of historic nursing photo display.


Bringing together passions for nursing, community, and policy

Charlotte Brown recalls a childhood climbing up and falling out of trees, picking blueberries in the mountains and currants in the woods, and paddling down her backyard creek on snow sleds with her three younger brothers—“lots of just being outside, being happy, being rained on,” she says.

5 min. read

Changing neighborhoods, changing times
Lance Freeman stands with hands in pockets outside of a building.

Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor Lance Freeman, of the Weitzman School of Design and the School of Arts & Sciences, studies how people interact with the built environment. 


Changing neighborhoods, changing times

Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor Lance Freeman of the Weitzman School of Design and School of Arts & Sciences studies how people interact with the built environment.

Kristina García

Combining AI and artmaking for youth well-being
Eileen Feng leans against a pole.

Eileen Feng, a graduate student in the Integrated Product Design, inside Tangen Hall. 


Combining AI and artmaking for youth well-being

Through a community-led partnership project, graduate student Eileen Feng and an interdisciplinary, cross-school team are working with local youth to tailor an AI-supported platform for healing through creative arts.
Expanding on a legacy of heart health education
Taylor Brothers, Aravind Krishnan, and Rashmi Acharya at Project HERO workshop.

At a recent Project HERO workshop at one of SHOP’s partner sites, Aravind Krishan, center, gave a brief presentation on heart health and Taylor Brothers, left, gave a CPR demo.


Expanding on a legacy of heart health education

Fourth-year Aravind Krishnan, the inaugural Sarah Katz Award recipient, is working to help shelter residents in Philadelphia better monitor their health.
Patti Smith as a Kelly Writers House Fellow
Patti Smith and Al Filreis at microphones.

Smith and Filreis held a public discussion, filled with her stories and readings of her works, on the morning of Feb. 25.


Patti Smith as a Kelly Writers House Fellow

Singer, songwriter, poet, author, and musician Patti Smith was in residence at the Kelly Writers House for two days, telling stories about the people in her life throughout the decades, reading passages from her books, and performing her songs.
Celebrating the architectural legacy of Penn’s first Black architecture graduate
Peter Cook and J. Larry Jameson in front of a portrait of Julian Abele.

Peter Cook, a descendant of Julian Abele, and Interim Penn President J. Larry Jameson next to a newly unveiled framed portrait of Julian Abele that decorates Eisenlohr Hall. 


Celebrating the architectural legacy of Penn’s first Black architecture graduate

At a gathering at Eisenlohr Hall, a portrait of renowned architect Julian Abele and a series of his paintings were unveiled, formally recognizing his design contributions to one of campus’ iconic structures.
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