A Wharton TA helps to communicate business communications

Chandler McCleskey discusses being a teaching assistant for the business communication course for Wharton undergraduates.

Wharton fourth-year student Chandler McCleskey has a packed schedule; Wharton Undergraduate Cohorts, Wharton Private Equity and Venture Capital Club, Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club, and Club Lacrosse. But he makes time for being a teaching assistant for WH 2010: Business Communication for Impact.

Chandler McCLeskey.
As a teaching assistant, Chandler McCleskey found the path to his future profession, and the internships to get him there. (Image: Courtesy of Wharton Stories)

He describes what he likes about being a TA. “As a TA, it has been both rewarding and insightful to see the same classes taught in different ways by the various lecturers that I have had the opportunity to work with. Each lecturer provides their own ‘spin’ on the classes, including personal anecdotes and industry insights from their respective fields.”

McCleskey says being a TA has helped him understand the concepts taught in class in a different way than simply being a student. “Over time, I think applying the course concepts, such as concision, organizational structure, or visual clarity on slides, to my classes or internships has gotten easier and has allowed me to see just how integral business communication is to my current work and how important it will be for my future career.”

Being a TA has influenced his academics and his professional aspirations. “WH 2010 helped me make many pivotal decisions in my life so far. For example, through taking and working as a TA for WH 2010, I knew that I would want to be in a job where I delivered presentations and where verbally communicating ideas to others was commonplace. As a result, my work as a WH 2010 TA helped me decide on which internships to take and which career to ultimately pursue.

Academically, he adds, “WH 2010 has encouraged me to participate in classes and make the most of my four years at Penn.”

This story is by Sara Hoover. Read more at Wharton Stories.