Kristina García

News Officer

Kristina Garcia covers several subject areas in the School of Arts & Sciences including Africana Studies + Penn Program on Race, Science, & Society, Romance Languages + Center for Italian Studies, South Asia Studies, the Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI), South Asia Center, Religious Studies, Latin American Latino Studies, the Program in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, the Center for Research in Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Studies. She also supports coverage of the School of Social Policy & Practice, the Netter Center for Community Partnerships, Penn First Plus, University Life, and the Student Cultural Centers.

24th annual Lecture in Social Justice

The 24th annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture in Social Justice featured sociologist Orlando Patterson of Harvard University, known for his work on the history of race and slavery, in conversation with Michael Hanchard of Africana Studies.

Kristina García

Journey to Joy

In a joint class within the School of Social Policy & Practice and the Annenberg School for Communication, PIK professor Desmond Upton Patton invites students to dream big in Journey to Joy: Designing a Happier Life.

Kristina García

Eric Anglero at the LGBT Center

Almost one year into their new role as director of the LGBT Center, Eric Anglero looks to support students and community with robust programming and a place where “you can just be.”

Kristina García

Rivers in a changing world

A new Academically Based Community Service class brings Penn and William L. Sayre High School students together to learn environmental science and engineering.

Kristina García