Penn Compact

Tough conversations and innovative outlooks in higher ed

President Amy Gutmann and Graduate School of Education scholar Robert Zemsky took part in a “fireside chat” at this year’s Higher Education Leadership Conference at Penn, which also awarded Gutmann the Zemsky Medal.

Lauren Hertzler

Visualizing future cities with Zhongjie Lin

A new three-year project called called “Spatial Visions Connecting China and the West: A Centennial Review and New Perspectives on Future Urban Environments” will address global issues like climate change and migration will begin at Penn and travel to Beijing.

Penn Today Staff

What is The Penn Fund?

Emily Kernan, executive director of The Penn Fund, discusses the mission of The Penn Fund and why donating is such a personally meaningful experience for many alumni.

Brandon K. Baker

Innovation at ‘Cellicon Valley’

Key facts and figures about ongoing efforts towards translating discoveries and ideas into products and businesses at the Penn Center for Innovation.

Erica K. Brockmeier