A conversation with staff from the University’s central information technology division.
Penn’s Division of Public Safety’s PennReady: Protecting Communities Through Resilience and Relationships Health and Safety Fair on Sept. 27 featured a controlled burn of a mock residential room, showcasing the efficacy of sprinkler and alarm systems, and the response of first responders and city firefighters.
Wellness and well-being are woven into the life of Penn’s campus, for students, postdocs, faculty, and staff. In the first part of a new series, Penn Today highlights University resources that support the campus community.
On a breezy, overcast early fall day, members of the Penn community gathered to dedicate the University’s new center for data science and artificial intelligence: Amy Gutmann Hall.
The Senior Fellows will lead two programs focusing on higher education and Congress and policy.
Penny the Pig makes occasional appearances around Penn’s campus. Who is she?
Two Penn faculty -- installation artist and sculptor Michelle Lopez, and composer and musician Tyshawn Sorey -- each have been awarded one of 12 arts fellowships by the Pew Center for Arts & Heritage in Philadelphia.
Deputy Provost Beth Winkelstein discusses her role in leading implementation of the recommendations of the Task Force on Antisemitism and the Commission on Countering Hate and Building Community.
Significant progress has been made in the four years since Penn pledged $100 million to the School District of Philadelphia to remediate environmental hazards, including asbestos and lead, in hundreds of school buildings.
Through the SNF Paideia Program, seven undergraduates and political scientist Lia Howard traveled all over the commonwealth this summer, listening to residents talk about their lives and the issues that matter to them.
In his Commencement speech at Penn, Denzel Washington talked to students about the need to take risks.
Starting in fall 2025 at Penn, students from families earning up to $200,000 a year will pay no tuition. The University will also no longer count home equity in its calculation to determine financial aid, with remarks from Vice President Mark Dingfield of the Division of Finance.
Bryson Houston, a student at the Perelman School of Medicine, worked with the Philadelphia Eagles through a partnership with an NFL physicians program.
Penn alumni Bernie Littman and Marjorie Fiterman recently married in Philadelphia, making them the oldest newlyweds in the world.
Penn is lauded for its research and development efforts, including the modified mRNA technique that was commercialized into a COVID vaccine and won its researchers a Nobel Prize last year.