Louisa Shepard

Senior News Officer

Louisa Shepard covers English, history of art, music, theater, and classical studies, among other subject areas, in the School of Arts and Sciences. She also supports coverage for the Kelly Writers House, the Graduate School of Education, the Penn Libraries, the Penn Museum, the Arthur Ross Gallery, and the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, as well as fine arts in the Stuart Weitzman School of Design. 

A Journey of Discovery in Kenya

Nearly 200 children sit shoulder-to-shoulder in neat rows on the floor of a refugee settlement classroom, their sunlit faces looking up and toward the front. It’s a familiar scene, a primary school in Kenya with too many students, too few resources, too uncertain a future.

Louisa Shepard

Poetry in symphonic motion

“I can’t stop thinking about corn.”The line had been in his head for years.Its meaning was a mystery for Herman Beavers, a professor of English and Africana Studies in the School of Arts & Sciences.

Louisa Shepard

The coming spectacular colors of fall

Fall foliage is expected to be especially bright and colorful this year because plentiful summer rains, followed by September’s warm days and cool nights, have kept the leaves on the trees longer than drier seasons, says a Penn horticulturist. 

Louisa Shepard

Behind-the-Scenes Exploration, Penn Ph.D. Student Ramey Mize

Bright blue beadwork comes into view as Ramey Mize slowly pulls open a drawer in a storage room of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, revealing an intricate pattern with red and yellow on the smooth buckskin of a fringed Native American dress.Breathtaking, but is this the right one?

Louisa Shepard