Louisa Shepard
Senior News Officer
Katharine Strunk, dean of the Graduate School of Education, began her tenure in July 2023. This week, she announced the School’s strategic vision, Together for Good.
Edmund W. Gordon, Robert Lerman, and Jody Lewen have been selected for outstanding achievement in pre-K–12, lifelong learning, and higher education.
Penn GSE’s Kandi Wiens’ latest book aims to help readers build resilience to stress and heal their relationship to work.
If school districts have remaining pandemic aid, Penn GSE’s Brooks Bowden says they could invest in data analytics capabilities on information to guide decisions on programs, staff, tutoring services, or technology to meet students’ needs.
The program, launched by recent College of Arts and Sciences grads Taussia Boadi and Cheryl Nnadi, was a 2023 Projects for Progress winner and provides academic support to middle school students affected by gun violence.
Project SHARPE aims to “look at work of reparations and what campuses founded before the Civil War are doing to repair,” surveying students of African descent about their experiences on campus.
Kenneth S. Stern, director of the Bard Center for the Study of Hate, spoke at Penn about addressing campus divides over the Israel/Palestine conflict.
Every three years, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development issues a standardized test to 15-year-old students around the world. Here, an education professor boils down the results.
This year’s recipients of Penn GSE’s McGraw Prize, the most prestigious prize in education, honors educators from pre-K to college and to lifelong learners.
From Penn GSE’s Educator’s Playbook, Michael Gottfried highlights approaches that schools and teachers can take to address absenteeism by identifying root causes and creating a supportive environment for all students.
Louisa Shepard
Senior News Officer
A study co-authored by Michael Gottfried of the Graduate School of Education finds that teacher satisfaction steadily drops as student absenteeism increases.
A study by Michael Gottfried and Ph.D. student Colby Woods of the Graduate School of Education finds that student absences are linked to lower teacher job satisfaction, which could exacerbate growing teacher shortages.
Jonathan Zimmerman of the Graduate School of Education organized an in-person 2016 discussion between Penn students and Republican students at Cairn University to foster productive conversation and find common ground.
In an opinion essay, Jonathan Zimmerman of the Graduate School of Education says that there needs to be a sustained, nationwide effort to measure and incentivize good teaching.
Michael Gottfried of the Graduate School of Education says that student learning suffers when school officials cut bus routes because children miss instruction time.
Andrea Kane of the Graduate School of Education suggests that it’s important to “humanize” a person you disagree with.