Secondary Education

A champion for period products in Pennsylvania schools

Kayla Cook ensures that all middle and high school students in a Lancaster school district have access to dispensing bins, which hold tampons, pads, and liners in every individual women’s or gender-neutral bathroom stall.

From Penn Medicine News

Rivers in a changing world

A new Academically Based Community Service class brings Penn and William L. Sayre High School students together to learn environmental science and engineering.

Kristina García

‘Ripple Effect’ explores higher education

The latest installments of The Wharton School’s faculty research podcast, “Ripple Effect,” delves into the latest issues facing higher education, from paying athletes to AI in the classroom.

From Knowledge at Wharton

Wharton experts on financial literacy

The April episodes of the Wharton School’s faculty research podcast, “Ripple Effect,” mark National Financial Literacy Awareness month, where experts discuss current financial initiatives for innovation, lower-income spending behavior, and how AI may help in financial literacy challenges.

From Knowledge at Wharton

In the News


Philadelphia schools to embrace AI in 2025

The Graduate School of Education has partnered with the Philadelphia School District to launch the Pioneering AI in School Systems program, representing a structured and forward-looking approach to AI implementation.


Fox 29 (Philadelphia)

American Education Week: Philly schools highlight initiatives to motivate, inspire students

Faculty from Penn recently taught students at Henry C. Lea Elementary School in West Philadelphia for the second year in a row.


Philadelphia Inquirer

Drilling into a model of a skull: a ‘cool’ taste of doctoring for Philly high schoolers

The “Pipeline Plus” summer program at Penn Medicine, run by the Netter Center for Community Partnerships, is designed to teach Philadelphia high school students about careers in the health sciences.



Schools in poorer neighborhoods struggle to keep teachers. How offering them more money and power might help

Richard Ingersoll of the Graduate School of Education says that giving educators more authority at their workplace makes them feel like respected professionals.


The Irish Times (Dublin)

Lego, martial arts and dance classes: How one school tackled school absenteeism

A 2022 Penn study found a return of three dollars for every dollar invested in City Connects, a pilot project that links students with support for basic needs and enrichment activities.


Inside Higher Ed

How gross inequalities in institutional wealth distort the higher education ecosystem and shortchange the vast majority of middle- and lower-income undergraduates

Penn is noted for its pledge to contribute $100 million over 10 years to renovate decrepit Philadelphia schools, potentially assisting a more diverse student body.