Epstein has served as interim EVP and interim dean since December 2023.
In a new study, researchers at Penn Medicine looked for—and did not find—examples where the process of generating CAR T cells caused malignancy.
Psychiatry and behavioral research professor Yvette Sheline has crafted a program to provide mentorship opportunities catered specifically to psychiatry researchers.
A collaborative research team from Penn Engineering, Penn Medicine, and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have developed a chip that mimics human bone marrow.
A Penn Medicine study of nearly 39,000 health records is the first to examine access to firearms and opioids, and completion of related interventions, among veterans at risk for suicide receiving care at the VA.
Faculty are working on a vaccine for the H5N1 virus, studying its transmission, and helping the state test samples from birds and mammals.
The clinical trial support staff at Penn Medicine and the Abramson Cancer Center have helped execute the team science that brings research discoveries from the lab bench to the bedside.
Researchers from Penn Engineering and Penn Medicine have collaborated to determine the best theoretical strategy for a vaccine rollout.
In a video, Penn Medicine’s Scott Hensley gives an overview on what people should know about the avian flu virus and vaccine developments.
Interim Penn President J. Larry Jameson visited VinUni in Hanoi, Vietnam, to commemorate the university’s fifth anniversary and Penn’s seventh year of allyship. He delivered a lecture about how excellent universities advance society.
A study led by Victor Roy of the Perelman School of Medicine finds that consumers and employers ultimately contributed to corporate health profits by paying for insurance premiums, out-of-pocket medical bills, and taxes.
Robert Schwab of the Perelman School of Medicine says that, if statins worked perfectly, cardiovascular disease wouldn’t remain the leading cause of death worldwide.
Louise Moncla of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that cows may be more broadly susceptible to bird flu viruses than initially thought.
Paul Offit of the Perelman School of Medicine says that immunization rates are starting to decline as people become less comfortable and more cynical about vaccines.
James A. Serpell of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that Victorian dog fanciers in the 19th century aimed to engineer the perfect physical specimen rather than creating skilled working dogs.