Penn Compact
Safe haven
Senior Brendan Taliaferro receives the President’s Engagement Prize for a project to provide housing and support for homeless LGBTQ youth in Philadelphia.
How technology is making education more accessible
Text-to-speech technology, smart pens, and smart glasses are just some of the assistive technologies that the Office of Student Disabilities Services employ on campus to meet all students’ needs in their learning environments.
A prayer, a promise, and a commitment to unity
A vigil and memorial to the Tree of Life Synagogue victims brought the Penn community together not just to mourn, but to pledge a commitment to each other during challenging times.
Workplace giving campaign helps those most in need
Penn’s Way is up and running through Nov. 16. The charitable goal for contributions from University and Health System employees is larger than ever: $1.65 million.
West Philly students cook up on campus
The Netter Center for Community Partnerships helps high school students from West Philadelphia develop their strengths and interests through Leaders of Change, a University-Assisted Community Schools program.
Bringing art to inner city teens
Renee Andrea Mills of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania has a passion for helping people and a passion for art, and for the past 25 years, she has combined both in community outreach, sharing the joy of creativity.
For first-generation college students, going ‘off script’ is key
At the “I Have a Dream” Foundation gala in New York City, Penn President Amy Gutmann encouraged “dreamers” to not feel limited in their potential to succeed.
Penn announces landmark fundraising and engagement campaign to strengthen world impact
The Power of Penn: Advancing Knowledge for Good will support vital University-wide programs and priorities across Penn’s 12 schools and 6 centers, including Penn Medicine.
Q&A with John Zeller
The senior vice president of Development and Alumni Relations discusses the $4.1 billion campaign, The Power of Penn: Advancing Knowledge for Good.
Crowd-sourced map showcases campus accessibility in real time
Mark Bookman and Alice McGrath are on a quest to map physical and social barriers across campus. The goal is a crowd-sourced platform that automatically updates to present a real-time user accessibility resource.