In “Bringing Up the Boss: Practical Lessons for New Managers,” author Rachel Pacheco focuses on translating academic research, data, and real-life anecdotes to practical lessons and tools for emerging managers.
Experts across the University weigh in on which lessons the pandemic drove home and what immediate measures are needed to prevent future loss.
Penn GSE’s Richard Ingersoll has published a new report looking at who is at work in America’s classrooms, and finds that many trends he has tracked since publishing his first study continue to hold true, and in some ways have deepened.
Many vaccinated adults have started going maskless, but most children still cannot. Some states are now fully open. Psychologist Caroline Watts offers parents language they can use to talk openly as a family about this newest phase of the pandemic.
Penn GSE dean Pam Grossman and peers argue in a new book that project-based learning, a method of instruction that identifies a project or problem that students work on, should be at the center of American public education.
A Pennsylvania high school cheerleader’s profanity-laced rant is now the foundation of a U.S. Supreme Court decision on free speech. Sigal Ben-Porath shares her arguments in her amicus brief to the court, and her predictions on the court’s decision.
Penn professors identify the challenges ahead for expanding broadband access to people who need it, in areas both rural and urban.
Teachers, school counselors, and administrators owe it to their LGBTQ+ students, along with the rest of the student body, to provide an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable.
Twenty Penn students and alumni have been awarded Fulbright grants for 2021-22, including 12 graduating seniors, six graduate students, and two recent graduates. They will conduct research, pursue graduate degrees, or teach English in Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Mexico, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, and Tajikistan.
President’s Engagement Prize-winning project Be Body Positive Philly, led by seniors Christina Miranda and Amanda Moreno, is designed to address eating disorder risk among Philadelphia high school students.
The Graduate School of Education has been renovated and expanded to feature additional classroom space, enhanced accessibility, and a distinct architectural identity.
A study co-authored by Michael Gottfried of the Graduate School of Education finds that teacher satisfaction steadily drops as student absenteeism increases.
While earning her doctorate at the Graduate School of Education, Julee Gard developed a financial viability index to assess the financial health of smaller and medium-sized, mostly tuition-dependent private colleges.
A study by Michael Gottfried and Ph.D. student Colby Woods of the Graduate School of Education finds that student absences are linked to lower teacher job satisfaction, which could exacerbate growing teacher shortages.
Jonathan Zimmerman of the Graduate School of Education organized an in-person 2016 discussion between Penn students and Republican students at Cairn University to foster productive conversation and find common ground.