
Kristina García
News Officer
Kristina Garcia covers several subject areas in the School of Arts & Sciences including Africana Studies + Penn Program on Race, Science, & Society, Romance Languages + Center for Italian Studies, South Asia Studies, the Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI), South Asia Center, Religious Studies, Latin American Latino Studies, the Program in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, the Center for Research in Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Studies. She also supports coverage of the School of Social Policy & Practice, the Netter Center for Community Partnerships, Penn First Plus, University Life, and the Student Cultural Centers.
Penn Lions in the Year of the Tiger
The Penn Lions spreads good luck and blessings for Lunar New Year, a reminder of rebirth and new beginnings.
Interfaith activism at the second annual University Forum on Social Equity and Community
In the second annual University Forum on Social Equity and Community, the School of Arts & Sciences’ Barbara D. Savage moderated a conversation on interfaith activism.
Anti-racism and reproductive justice
PIK Professor Dorothy Roberts joined Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood, in the 21st annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture in Social Justice. They addressed the intersectional nature of anti-racism and reproductive freedom.
Justin McDaniel on life, death, religion, and his latest book
In his new book, “Wayward Distractions,” the School of Arts & Sciences’ Justin McDaniel compiles articles on art and material culture spanning his 20-plus years of scholarship.
A virtual day of service
Penn’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Symposium on Social Change will be virtual this year, offering events for adults and children of all ages.
Post-COVID retail trends: omnichannel, the metaverse, and creativity in marketing
Since the pandemic’s onset, retailers’ reactions to government regulations limiting capacity and consumer demands for equity and authenticity have been finessed into smarter, more flexible responses, says marketing professor Barbara E. Kahn.
Penn’s Kwanzaa celebrates ‘regrounding our purpose’
Kwanzaa, an African American cultural holiday, starts on Dec. 26 and goes through New Year’s Day. At Penn, it's a time to come together and take stock.
Perry World House explores the end of asylum
In a Perry World House talk, political scientist Michael Jones-Correa of the School of Arts & Sciences discussed the end of asylum, “one of the most pressing issues of our time,” he said.
Student accounts, records, and financial aid, all in one mobile-friendly package
Te Next Generation Student Systems team has been working on a comprehensive student information system, known as Pennant. The program will complete its final phase this spring in advance of the 2022-23 academic year.
Latin American and Latinx studies becomes a center
With over 30 years of Latin American and Latinx Studies at Penn, the academic program was established as a center in July.